Sunday, December 18, 2016

What Makes Christmas, Christmas to Me

Making whipped honey ....makes Kim happy

Traditions make Wynette happy
Holy Cow but I made my Almond Joys waaaaaaay too big.  Last night Kim made his whipped honey while I dipped chocolates. We are still recovering sickies and not adventurous at all this Christmas season.  Kim's mom always made chocolates  for Christmas in addition to passing around a HUGE box of See's that her brother sent her each year.  I have never seen any box as big since or before.  HUGE. We ate it all ....easily.
I was reading the Jan. Ensign this morning and it had a wonderful article titled: Prophetic Principles of Faithfulness.   Elder Grow talked about returned missionaries and what is a defining point in church activity post mission.  I loved what he had to say and thought...that is Christmas to me.  I will explain.  "When we fail to pray and study the scriptures, the influence of the Spirit in our life is weakened, lowering our resistance to temptation. " 
So what makes Christmas to me is remembering my blessings, my family, the gospel and how we strengthen one another to remember and live Christlike lives every day. 
The chocolates are extra....remembering Mom Christensen and her tins of homemade chocolates. Yum.

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