Saturday, May 1, 2010

Women's Conference April 2010

This is not Women's Conference but I did wear this outfit .My hair is now shorter and Brooke was there at Women's Conference to hear me speak but she wasn't wearing her wedding dress.  Behind would be a blank wall instead of this nice background. This was really the last picture taken on a fun morning where Brooke got her Bridal's taken.  This past week, I spent time with my mom at Women's Conference and contrary to my natural instinct...I forgot my camera!!!  It rained and snowed and then turned sunny and blew cold wind all in the two days we were there!  My mom and I have been going to Women's Conference for 3 years together.  I wasn't going to go this year because it is getting a little longer than Mom likes ( after all she is 87 going on 88) and I seem to fall asleep when they turn down the lights.  However, that was not a problem for me this year.  It is all in the motivation, etc.  I was so surprised when I got invited to speak at Women's Conference.  I attended the very first WC when I was pregnant with Brooke and have tried to attend often ever since.  It was a most marvelous opportunity and experience that told my heart  Heavenly Father is very mindful of me...who else would know that I needed this in my life?  I made many new friends, was strengthened and supported by many great friends  I have been privileged to know in my life.  The subject was exactly perfect for this time in my life....Take Time to Be Holy.  I absolutely loved this gift given to me.  I will never forget it.  What I learned in reflection today as I thought about my mother and I interviewed by BYU television during Conference was like a great aha moment for me.  She quoted a speaker we heard...Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, I'm my mother after all.  The interviewer asked me after the filming if I thought I was my mother.  I laughed and said I didn't know but I was sure looking like my sisters more and more each day.  I thought about it more and realized that I am much more like my father.  Then I thought about perspective and how it is when I get together with my 3 sisters and we talk about experiences we had together.  It blows us away to see how differently we each viewed the same experience and we will try and convince each other that our view is the correct one.  It made me realize that we are each right because we come with different personalities that take in each event through different eyes.  I decided why humility is so important  is so we can accept the different viewpoints as truth for the person sharing it and that it is a way to understand one another better when we listen and learn from it instead of arguing our point.  Now if I could just stop talking so much and listen mom is a good listener.  I LOVED Women's Conference!  Thanks to my friends that came and looked attentively even if you were wishing for a nice nap!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Man I wish we could have heard you speak! Glad you had such a nice time. And you are so funny; I enjoyed the pic of you and Brooke:)