Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy 34th Anniversary April 17, 2010 The Best is Yet to Come

This is me wearing Kim's lovely hat because I forgot my sun glasses!  It was a beautiful sunny day when we started our two day celebration at Bryce Canyon.  It was free thanks to National Parks Week.  We like to ski at Ruby's Inn during the winter but we haven't hiked Bryce Canyon since the kids were much younger.  This is a picture of cairns.  They were all over that one place.  It was fun to see and reminded us of an eventful night we spent trying to hike to Delicate Arch as a family in the dark.  We started that tradition of hiking to Delicate Arch with the Beattys and they always knew the way.  On this night, we went solo and found we had missed a turn and were lost.  The flashlight stopped working and we did not know where we were.  We stood as a group and one person would go out, talking loudly until they found a cairn and then we would all go towards their voice till we were all at that cairn.  Then someone else would spread out and we continued the process until we happily saw the lights of cars as they drove past the trail head.  It is a favorite memory and a great example of how we always have help if we will look for the signs. 
After hiking the Queen's Garden ( still alot of snow!) we headed to Calf Creek near Escalante.  It was not a hot day but we saw several brave guys that enjoyed the pool.  We just reflected on its beauty and headed back before it got dark. 
We got up the next morning at 5 a.m. and headed out on a dirt road to Spooky Hollow and Peek A Boo Canyon.  We have wanted to do these slot canyons for a long time.  We were excited to finally be there! We got to the bottom and were not sure which opening was Peek a Boo so we continued on in search of Spooky Hollow.  For someone that is heavy on the claustrophobic side, I was truly hiking by faith.  I knew we were going into tight spots. 
Sometimes our feet were permanently turned sideways and we had to take our hats off and hold them to keep them from being knocked off.  I was grateful that I could see the sky through the top opening.  I was also grateful that no one came from the other direction.  They would have had to go back.   When we made it through, someone captured my thoughts exquisitely.  Unfortunately, my batteries in my camera had died but it was a man figure made out of rocks with a headstone at the top with the letters RIP.  I could really relate to that!
We got lost once on the way  but happily ended up going into Peek a Boo to complete the loop trip backWe loved the adventure and felt it a very fitting way to celebrate all the years we have had together.  The hikes gave us great opportunities to talk about things that are important to us and to reflect on the great things that have happened to us through out the years.  We hope we have many more adventures ahead!

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