Wednesday, November 25, 2009

TyandNat update

Sorry that it has been so long since a TyandNat update, it has been a crazy last few months for me. Here's what we've been up to...
Sharon. Learning a lot of new words and loves playing with her "babies."
Eli. Still loves his twice a week pre-school and is continuing to work on "projects" (anything that involves taping, gluing, drawing, etc).
Nat. Starting a new art project, just finished organizing a neighborhood pie night (over 100 in attendance), just did an awesome YW evening in excellence program, and just completed physical therapy for her hip and does really cool looking exercises now.
Ty. Presented in two conferences in two months and submitted papers for two more conferences in the summer, elected President of the Learning Sciences Graduate Student Association, no longer sick and starting to run again.

We love this time of the year and look forward to having a little more family time this week. We're having another family over for Thanksgiving dinner and we'll probably gather with several families for the rivalry football game on Saturday. Since I'm way being on blogging I'll post a few pictures to catch you up to speed.

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