Monday, November 30, 2009

Going Where Some Have Gone Before

It is hard to believe that it is almost December. We went to Ding and Dang Canyon by Goblin Valley the day after Thanksgiving. We did it the year before with Brooke, Dallin and Bryce and thought it would be fun if the weather was good, to do it again. The weather was a little cooler but great for hiking...just keep moving. We ( Kim, Wynette, Brooke, Whit and McKay ) drove down ( 3 hours almost to the minute) in the morning and began our hike around 10:30. It took us 4 hours this time compared to the three when Bryce and Dallin went...we saw no one else that time but this time there were groups of people and sometimes we waited to get through a hard spot. McKay also had us stop along the way to take fun pictures and that made it memorable. Some climbed up into holes, rappelled down, hung from trees and outcropped rocks, and did trick photography...sorta ( they didn't turn out the way we hoped). So I learned a great lesson that day. We were in a tight spot and the trail dropped pretty much straight down. It looked scary to me. The guys started using their hands and feet and straddling the trail. I thought...there is no way I can do that. Then Brooke went and followed Whit's instructions and got down no problem. I decided then, that if Brooke could do it, that maybe I could. I was nervous but went ahead and found that it was quite easy. It wasn't even scary. Wow. I have thought how many things I haven't wanted to try because they just seem plain ole hard or scary. We need to remember there is always someone to walk us through where they have gone if we just listen to them and we will probably find out that it wasn't so bad after all.

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