Sunday, November 22, 2009

Gratitude--An Attitude

This is a picture of my missionary. He doesn't look like a missionary but that is because I like this picture of Dallin more than his missionary picture which is downstairs on the mantel. In front of Dallin is a Japanese Nativity that I got in the mail this week from Japan. It was sent to me by someone that has become a precious and dear friend and mentor. In every hard thing we encounter, there is always a silver lining if we will look for it. I was encouraged by a missionary mom in our ward to join the missionary mom group on the internet. I decided to do that and as a result, met Chris. She also has a son in Sapporo. She has had a son that served in Durban, South Africa just at the time my son Bryce was going to CapeTown South Africa. Her son fell to his death while hiking with his companions. She has walked me through the process of mourning and healing with love and encouragement.
I am grateful to see and know that God places people in our path that will grab us and take us along if we let them, to where we want to be. I hope that I can be that person for someone else. Every time I look at this beautiful Nativity from Japan and Chris, I will try to remember that desire to be what Chris has been for me, to someone else. You don't have to look far to count blessings. Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Lovely post! And what a lovely friend you have made. Yes, there are lots of things to be grateful for