Sunday, June 2, 2013

Saturdays...Gotta Love Saturdays!

We got up Saturday and drove to the church for our Stake 5K.  They moved the time up to 7 a.m. which is pretty early for some but great for us.  We have run the trail a few times in preparation for the race.  Kim got lost the first year and it was the only time I beat him in a race.  This year the path was  clearly marked and still we had one girl put in  extra miles before she got back on the path.  Kira joined us this year and she beat me!  Hurray for Kira.  I got the "I Will Go and Do " award for the most determined runner!   I was quite excited to accept my banana until the award giver out person added the comment that my husband probably made me come and run.   Well...I am slow but I am consistent and we were really happy to hear Kim Anderson ( maiden name) say that she has been training for the race and it was her first 5K and she ran the entire thing.  I did beat her and she is much younger.  It is not about being swift so much as making good choices and habits in our lives and helping motivate one another. 
Kim and her first 5K successfully completed!
All happy campers after the race
That said, we went home and finished painting the shed.  Dallin was too busy "paintballing" to help but Kira stuck with it and it is so colorful!  The walls are yellow, the floor is blue and the outside is "Barn Red". Three cheers for left over paint, and paint on clearance!  The outside is the good stuff though.  I don't want to paint it again!
It has been a fun project to work on but my yard has suffered...the weeds are taking over! 
We decided that on Saturdays when we don't have "stuff"...which isn't often enough, that we would try and do as many physical things as possible for our fun....after work is done of course.   So we packed up our bikes and headed to Provo and rode some of the river trail.  There were a lot of going under roads with steep exits from a dark tunnel which took a few tries for me to learn to down shift faster.  Then we walked around BYU .  It has the nicest walk around the campus and we got to see all the construction going on up close.  It is amazing the things they can do and how the campus is being reinvented!   I forgot to take some pictures! 

BYU Walkway

Can you see the baby ducks!

This past week has been fun as we got to watch Winston while his parents were in Vegas celebrating their anniversary.  Then we got busy working on tickets and housing for our upcoming wedding in Hong Kong.  We had to change the tickets a few times, Nat couldn't find her passport with their moving into their home, and the dates kept changing.  It is pretty crazy to move 6 people around together.  We have seen answers to prayers, and felt a great sense of accomplishment as we have tackled hard things and come up with ideas and solutions.  I am reminded over and over how precious families are and that the most important thing is how we treat one another and not how much money that is going take or how inconvenient something is.  Great learning curve and blessings in places not looked for.  To be continued!

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