Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The grand adventures of Dallin

A lot has happened in my life recently, so I figured I'd give you all an update.
I finished finals last Tuesday. Somehow I got better scores on my 3 finals than I did on any midterms in each of my respective classes. So I was pretty happy. A semester GPA of 3.53 was enough for me to retain my scholarship for my eighth semester at BYU. Plus I'm eligible for PELL grants this upcoming school year (because I'm turning 24). I'm hoping they'll pile the grant money on top of my scholarship, but that's probably wishful thinking.
To celebrate being done with the semester, I went on a trip to southern California! My friends Whitney and Jordan got married in the LA temple on Saturday, which is my I planned the trip. But it ended up having a lot more adventures. I drove down on Wednesday with my friends Melanie and Tiffany (Whitney's current roommate and old roommate).
Melanie, Whitney, and Tiffany
I got to spend a lot of time playing with Melanie's cousins. We also rode a tandem bike to the beach and went to Disneyland/California Adventure.
5-year-old Maddy was in love with me. She was so much fun!

Salt Creek Beach was about 5 miles from where we stayed in Laguna Niguel

Melanie's brother lives down the road from Disneyland and hooked us up with free tickets (and a delicious dinner).
I started up my new job yesterday at SpotterRF, a company in Orem that makes short/mid-range radar. I have to learn so much! My first project is writing code to coordinate security cameras with radar. It's pretty cool.


Wynette said...
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Brooke said...

I'm so glad you posted Dal! fun to hear about your trip, I'm glad you had a good time. Awesome to get to go to Disneyland for free--I'm super jealous :)