Sunday, March 25, 2012

We Made It!

Old Man Winter is leaving Utah.  We broke out the Dutch ovens and baked pizza.  One in the oven with homemade crust ( whole wheat) and one on the new table that Kim got from the Andersons for Christmas. 

 Kim got a new Dutch oven table for Christmas and Saturday was it's trial run.  We spent the morning working in the yard and it was fun to stop and do some cooking outside.
The bees were out enjoying the apricot tree and we planted peas, spinach, Walla Walla onions, and ...something else that I always forget what it is called but it is green leafy yuminess.  We got in on some of the excitement of the Festival of Colors as we went downtown to Cal Ranch for some fence posts.  Main Street was backed up into the Freeway and cars were lined up and down with kids in them coming and going to the "Temple" to douse themselves in color. 

 Love's Labour Lost
 We have season tickets to BYU plays.  We enjoyed the dancing and singing in Love's Labour Lost updated World War II production.  Before the play we went to Olive Garden to enjoy a gift certificate given to us in thanks for the service Kim gives to the Stake.  He was very touched by a family in our Stake that left a care package on our doorstep filled with goodies and kind words.
We went to the YW Broadcast on Saturday evening.  It was being broadcast in Spanish in the Chapel so we all moved to the RS room and saw it on a small screen in English.  Technology!   They were wonderful talks.  Then we hurried to a reception of a young man from our stake.  He was set up on a blind date and it took!  It was great to see how happy they were.  Then we watched Departures.  I have to say that I loved this movie.  It is full of pondering stuff.  It was beautifully done and Kim and I were reminded of the wonderful time we had in Hokkaido as we saw the snow, the mountains and the particular traditions and traits of the Japanese people.  It reminded us of when we dressed Bryce's body for his burial and how sweet and tender that opportunity was.  It talks about death and the gateway that it is to another world.  I am so grateful for this time of year...for Spring and new life, for the promise of a life hereafter, for all the good things that have come and will come and for Conference!!!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Just to clarify, the table was from all of us kids-McKay even sent us money all the way from china! All that we did was order it. I'm so glad you got to use it!