Sunday, December 1, 2013

We Gather Together...Thanksgiving!

 The past two years we have gone to my sister's house for a Fife Thanksgiving.  I can't think of a place I would rather be than with my family and nieces, nephews, and their kids.  It is nice to just sit and visit and listen to the kids as they have fun together. It is a diverse group of people but there are lots of similarities and habits that we share.  It is kinda strange to see yourself in so many people in one place at a time.

Christmas Parade in gets bigger every year
Why walk when you can have Grandpa carry you?

 This year we decided to brave the cold and go downtown to the Christmas parade.  It wasn't that cold but we walked along the parade route watching the floats, listening to the music and band, and see all the people, rather than stand still.  We listened to a lady when she got out of her car and asked the people in front of her vehicle to move.  She started out nicely but then digressed into unnecessary comments about their bums blocking the view.  I only include this because it reminded me how important our interaction with others we handle hard situations and how we keep a perspective on what is important.
Earlier in the day we went to BYU to finish defrosting the fridge in Kim's outer office.  It was just a big block of ice.  I am glad that Kim has the attitude of "who better than me to do it".  Often, he impresses me.  We had to get in a bowling game while there.  We started out bowling left handed so it would be fair to Brooke ( broken elbow in process of healing).  We quit after a was way hard!
He's looking Chinese with that squat.  Whit let him try a few frames and he loved it.  

 We ate at JDawgs...Happy Birthday Whit.  He loves JDawgs.  Then fed the ducks.  They followed us for a while after the bread ran out and then got back in the pond.


 We have tried to hike in Goblin Valley every year after Thanksgiving but modified it this year until we find more people available to go. 

 It was a beautiful day!!! and it was a true test going up the switchbacks.  There was a man with a cane slowly crawling up the trail with very reluctant children in tow.  They were not having a good time!  It reminded me of all the times we listened to our kids complain about hiking and how they didn't enjoy it.  Now they all like to hike.  How did that happen?  Kim is standing in front of the sunset.  We timed it just right to watch the sun going down as it reflected into Utah lake.  It was BEAUTIFUL!   Then we headed over to Riverwoods to see the lights and we were not disappointed.
It was a great holiday.  Time to reflect, to remember and to plan for the coming days.

 It is easy to count our blessings. 

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