Sunday, September 29, 2013

Applesauce, Movie, Friends and the Fireplace

That is right...the fireplace is on and I am trying to warm up.  Who would have thunk at the end of September that there would be snow on the mountains and frost on our grass!!!!!  I refuse to turn on the furnace but the fireplace...bring it on!
Yesterday we attended our nephew's daughter's baptism.  I am not sure what that makes Liberty. 
We got to see new territory as they live way up next to the West mountains of West Valley.  We saw some new biking trails which got us excited and better than that we got to spend time with my family.   We have a great family that supports one another when there are special occasions.  Alisha had a soup bar and I tried a new favorite...Lemon chicken soup.  I wish I could say something profound about the service which was wonderful.  The youth that spoke did a great job.
After the Relief Society broadcast that evening ( and after riding our bikes all around S F) while there were women still visiting in the Stake Center, I worked hard to recruit women to come play volleyball on Thurs.  We had 4 women come after the YW played last week and I was one of them.  I was twice the age and twice as slow as the young ladies that showed up and I slept really good that night!  One gal was pregnant and dove for a ball ...on her stomach to the floor.  Holy Cow.  She is the daughter of one of my friends and I remember her as very competitive in high school...hasn't changed. 

Lest you think I am just rambling....after the wonderful broadcast on covenants, we played ping pong until we got tired of picking up the balls and watched a very good good movie called:  Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles. 
McKay bought it a long time ago and I never finished seeing it.  It is about a father that is estranged from his son.  I am pretty sure it takes place in Hokkaido...since there is snow.  Where else in Japan is there snow and the ocean?????   He takes a journey into  China to accomplish what seems an impossible task to everyone of filming a Chinese opera for his dying son.  It is a great example of remorse and doing something about it.  We recommend it.  There are wonderful footage's of  China. 
Instead of going to the BYU game ( how unusual for us) we had dinner at a friend's home in Provo right by the stadium.  We got to experience the thrill of traffic all trying to get to where we wanted to be.  They moved from Idaho to Provo this year and it was a happy reunion.  We talked for a long time about their service as missionaries in the 12 Step Recovery program. 
 This isn't them but I thought it would do since they are representing the  12 Step missionaries.  There are some other interesting things about this picture but I won't go there.  We learned a lot and appreciated the opportunity to talk about their perspective on things that we have needed help with understanding.  Does that make sense.  Raise your hand if you say yes.  Thanks. 

Last but not least in least importance but most time consuming...did it really take me this long when my kids were young and underfoot?  I canned our apples into applesauce with my nifty Back to Basics Food Strainer and Sauce Maker.  Kira got it for me last year for my birthday.  It is SWEET.  Now who is going to help me eat the applesauce?  Edie...if you are reading this, make sure you vote yes ...again. 

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