Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Fun and Young Women

Crystal Lake in Uintahs
The beginning of our hike ...the parking lot

Sunday night Kim and I spent the night at Brooke and Whit's house.  It was funny to see the bright lights through the bedroom window of the Townhouse Clubhouse and listen to the traffic of the highway....sounds and sights that they are used to.  We got up and went to Kneaders for  All You Can Eat French toast.  Yum.  That syrup was so good that I made it again this morning for one of my friend's birthday breakfast.  It is called Buttermilk syrup.  Yum.   We did burn that breakfast off by hiking in the Uintahs.  We saw a lot of lakes.  It was pretty cold as you can see by our hoods and jackets but a really nice day to be out and about.  After eating lunch on a rock slab overlooking Island Lake, we headed back and were on the road by 2 p.m.  Kim wanted new Nikes for running and we began to wonder if going into Park City was such a great idea as the traffic backed up.  When we got to the Outlets, we discovered it was the big Labor Day sale.   It was as crowded as Christmas shopping and there were crazy driving skills going on everywhere. 
After the shoes were purchased we still had backed up traffic going down the Canyon.  It was a fun day!
Tonight was my first Young Women's activity.  We went to the Rest Home up the street.  We had songs prepared to sing and started going to the individual rooms since they weren't gathered.  First door we knocked on and opened, a man in his underwear looked out at us as the one young woman asked if we could sing.  After assessing the situation, she realized now may not be a good time and tried to back out of the offer as the man continued to question her.  Next room....( we were in the Alzheimer's Unit) the woman told us that she was in bed and so were all of her kids so she was not interested in us singing to her.  Then we saw two men watching TV in a gathering place and we stopped to talk to them.  Corey is 39 years old and he could sing every song and lead it and make up songs ( like about the cookie we gave him) that we threw at him.  Norbert was quiet but decided he could sing us Blue Heaven...a song his father used to sing to him.  He kept telling us he wasn't a singer but he sang in perfect pitch a lovely song that I have not been familiar with.  His eyes began to water at the end of the song and we knew he was thinking of someone special to him.  What a treat that was to share some time with both of them. 
So...I am just beginning to understand what I should be doing.  I took my Relief Society book instead of my Young Women's ( they haven't replaced me yet in RS) and had to ask a lot of questions but I think I am really going to like spending time with these sweet young women.  They sang like angels.  Now, if I could just catch up in my tap dancing class ( I missed the first lesson)  life would definitely be easier!   Happy September!

1 comment:

Kari said...

How fun you are taking tap! I bet you'll love it.
So is the 39 year old and alzheimer's patient?