Monday, February 15, 2010

TyandNat Valentines weekend

He had a great V-day weekend, here's a rundown of the highlights.
On Friday Natalie and I went to a stake dance for adults. This was our first time dancing in over five years and we had a great time. There weren't very many people there so it was embarrassing at times being the only ones dancing (in particular ways). For example, they played that chicken dance song where you polka... but by the 2nd verse of the song Natalie and I were the only ones polka-ing. We continued on and danced the whole dance and received many congratulations later by the wimps who quit dancing. The DJ asked for requests and after five slow dances in a row I requested my favorite fast dance from HS--Boyz II Men's Motown Philly. This was a mistake because he downloaded and played the song for me... but no one was interested in fast dancing, so I had the whole dance floor to dance with myself. You live and learn I guess. We also went out to eat at Charly's (a midwest version of Chilis) and Natalie was reminded how awesome ribs are. Yahoo.
On Saturday we woke the kids up for their surprise trip to Indy. We didn't prep them for this at all so they were overjoyed when we showed up to a dog show that had over 2000 dogs. This was just like those shows you see in movies where the dogs are all over the place being groomed by their owners and then the dog and owners go through a series of walking around, fetching, and doing other tricks. We were probably the only non-dog-owners there and we got a few dirty looks for having the nerve to bring children to such a serious competition. But the kids had a blast and it was really cool to be exposed to the world of too-serious-for-their-own-good-dog-lovers. I am still of the opinion that dogs are pets, not children. After the show we came back to Bloomington and went to a children's expo.
On Sunday we woke up and opened presents--dollar toys for the kids and a new down comforter for me and Nat. I made crepes for breakfast and enchiladas for dinner. We spent nearly the whole day together (Natalie only had one meeting) and spent some of our time watching home videos. It was a lot of fun.
So, that about does it. We love doing a little extra on holidays to make them memorable and this years V-day was one we'll want to remember.

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